There are great variety of confectionery in urban areas, especially Gold Ring. But those kinds are few in rural areas.
Some examples: "Ice creams-like things that are not cold, and have mouthfeel similar to avocado or a papaya", "Fried beans", "Fried bugs", "Things like rock candy", "Things like rice cracker with various sauce for dipping".
Those things and juices show vivid and colorful visual by multifarious food coloring agents.
GR sweet bun
In Gold Ring, there is a specialty dessert named "GR sweet bun" that is similar to baumkuchen. It is frequently used in celebrations and as souvenirs, with its purpose spanning from something treated like a party favor to something like a street food. In appearance, the buns usually have a hole in the center, but there is also a variety without one, it imitates the salt lake ColVilous by making a crater on the center and is filled with a blue jam.
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