Talyxian Hamsters

Talyxian-Hamsters, also known as "Hamsters" or "Handstand Snails" (サカアルキガイ), are creatures that belong to the Talyxian species group. Their appearance is something similar to a potato and a snail, and their sleeping methods give way to the 'handstand' nickname.
This wild species inhabits the Sailzane desert, especially areas filled with stones and desert plants. Their existence is known to people as a small animal that lives around the Gold Ring region. Hamsters are classified as Talyxian, but are similar to the Eltus species of the shellfish nature. Many other Talyxian creatures living in the desert seem to share this similarity.
Hamsters have two short tactile limbs on their rear and these are used when moving as legs. They can run quite fast using their legs, but their overall shape and weight makes them easily unbalanced and prone to frequent tumbles.
Their eyes are on their head, but only used when resting under the sand and peeking about at their surroundings. Their mouth is suspected to be located within the wrinkles of their midsection.
They have a small size, fitting easily into the palm of a person's hand.
Their skin is slightly rough, wrinkled, feels like a human heel. This protects them from drying out and salt exposure.
Hamsters are omnivorous, eating anything they can manage to come across.
They are nocturnal, often sleeping in the sand during the daytime, but active and walking about upon their two legs at night.
They have few natural enemies in the desert, but because food is scarce, their populations are generally small in number and spread out.
Relations with Eltus and Gold Ring city
Gold Ring citizens often keep hamsters as pets. The city folk intentionally breed them for color changes and appearance variety. Some hamsters are dyed, but these are regarded as fancier and thus are more expensive to buy.
At the city festival, these are often sold to children. It is common to see these dyed in cheap colors like pink or green to attract interest.
Although hamsters may get 'used' to people, there is never a true 'tame' state for them. Many children choose to tie a string around them, to keep them in close proximity. Sadly, this is not a good method of care, often causing weakness and death in the pets. With their nocturnal habits, unless a pet hamster is kept in a good sand cage, they are good at escaping. This may seem amusing, but really is a tragedy, because they are so vulnerable. Talyxian cats and dogs roaming Gold Ring are keen to hunt and eat them, and without sandy ground to hide in, hamsters are easy prey. There are very few wild hamsters in the city for this reason.