The mysterious effect of the Forest Navel still lingers. Throughout these shared memories, we now focus upon a particularly bittersweet one experienced by both Little Black-Ears and Little Chatter.

The recollection begins with a chance meeting the children had with a tribe of adult sergals. The orphaned children were hoping to join with the grown-ups. But instead of being accepted, they were called “bug-eating children” and turned away. The adults then made comments about the children becoming something different and things sprouting from their bodies. But what are they talking about?

The recollection begins with a chance meeting the children had with a tribe of adult sergals. The orphaned children were hoping to join with the grown-ups. But instead of being accepted, they were called “bug-eating children” and turned away. The adults then made comments about the children becoming something different and things sprouting from their bodies. But what are they talking about?

First, when the adults refer to the children as being beyond their “side”, they are metaphorically speaking about one’s humanity, as Eltus folk whom partake in the consumption of Black Talyxian insects and/or organisms, will inadvertently incur changes to one’s internal organs and their physiology due to the volatility of Talyxian parasitism.

To see this explained further, recall from our previous in-depth Lore on the Sieg sergals in Kiki’s article on Sieg Sergals. In particular, take a look at the sections “The relation between Sieg and meals” and “Sieg Clan’s purpose and culture”. For yet another example of this strange phenomenon in action, look no further than Osashimi, a fan character who’s parasitic infestation is entirely feasible. As the old saying goes, you are what you eat!